Wednesday, October 24, 2007

In Her Shoes

Rhys has a new fascination! He has taken to going into our closet, taking out EVERY pair, and putting them on. Then, he clop clop clops around the house, while Hallie and I laugh uncontrollably. Its so cute! And, Rhys has determined that this is only an activity appropriate for IN the house. So, when we go out, he has taken to wearing his black dress shoes...with EVERYTHING! We *think* its because he mostly sees us wear dress shoes, and since he is in such a phase of imitating, those are the closest thing he has to the same thing.

Also, in the way of random updates that don't have a picture to go with them...

*Rhys now says "Dodger" and "hi" regularly (as in, when he wakes up in the morning, the first thing he does is look out of his crib and go "Dodger?", which comes out as "Dod-Ja?" Good to know where we rank in this household, right?!

*As I'm sure everyone is aware, Rhys LOVES cell phones. But now, when I am talking to Hallie, or she is talking to me, Rhys will take the phone, and say "hi mama" into it. Well, if that isn't the best thing in the world, I don't know what is!!

*Rhys loves pumpkin anything- a fact for which I am incredibly grateful. Since autumn has officially hit, I am most excited about all of the baking possibilities. Rhys has dutifully eaten everything with pumpkin in it - which, most recently was my pumpkin bread. He also ate pumpkin pasta (sooooo good) so I am happy that he is loving autumn as much as I am!

*Rhys thinks that jumping up and down is hysterical. Seriously...if he's crying about something, all it takes is one good jump, and he giggles like crazy. He can't do it yet, but sure thinks its funny when I do it. Of course, it could have less to do with the jumping and more to do with the fact that I look like a dork when I am doing it, but I like to think its because he likes jumping.

*Rhys has started doing baby yoga! Ok, this is kind of because his mommy is doing yoga, and on a recent trip to the bookstore saw a book about baby yoga and bought it. But before you laugh at me, hear this: it has a bunch of different poses aimed at one purpose, such as happy baby, good morning, playtime, and good night. So we did the good night poses and he slept for TWELVE hours. And, since we've been doing them, and doing them every night, he consistently sleeps from 8pm until 6 am. So, laugh all you want, but Hallie and I have now officially gotten rid of the bags under our eyes. :-) And, Rhys totally did downward dog the other day, and even though it was kinda by accident, it was still counted as him doing yoga on his own.

* Rhys is spending Thanksgiving in San Francisco, and will be participating in the Turkey Run at Ocean Beach on Thanksgiving Day! Anyone who reads this blog is of course welcome to visit, and cheer on our little guy. And, for anyone who would like to participate from afar, we have to choose a costume for him. So...pilgrim? Indian (yes, I know its not PC, but its how its listed on the website)? Turkey? Other festive costume? Suggestions are welcome!!

And finally...the blog may or may not get updated this weekend. Hallie is going to a conference at Lake Tahoe (rough life, huh?) and is leaving Rhys, Dodger and I alone for four days. So the odds of me having enough time to upload pics and blog are slim. Plus, if and when I have a free minute, I have to put laundry as a priority over the blog...or I could blog and just go buy new stuff that's clean. Hmmmmm. I'll have to think about this! Rhys will be participating in the zoo costume walk this weekend, and I'm taking him to the harvest festival, so there will be plenty of autumn (aka the best season) pictorials next week!!

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